Which internet companies use ASP.Net?

ASP.Net is being used by a large site over the whole Stack Exchange network. Asp.net development company often blog about their scaling techniques, challenges and solutions. There are more than over 4 million websites that are using ASP.Net Technology or similar Tech. Many development companies and firms are relying on ASP.Net to create the best websites. Here are few of the top websites using ASP.Net:

Asp.net development company


Conduit has recently introduced Premium, Customer Loyalty Management (CLM) solution. They have been empowering business with Cloud-Based Solutions since 2005. They have become Israel’s first billion dollar internet company.

Microsoft is definitely the biggest internet company. You can go to a page on the Microsoft site that lists hosting providers that support ASP.Net. Obviously, it is difficult to know exactly what hosting features you might require over the long term. Here are few of things that must be considered:

1. For purposes of Web Pages Movies site, you don’t have to have a distinct add-on for SQL Server, which frequently charges extra. However, in future you may need SQL server access.
2. You must ensure if the hosting provider supports the web deploy publishing protocol. You can easily publish by using FTP protocol, but it is more convenient to use web deploy.
3. Many sites generally offer free trial for a specified period of time. It can be a good way to try publishing and hosting while you are still experimenting with Asp.Net web pages.
4. You can do the republishing work i.e. updating the live site. Once you have published your site, there are two copies of it- firstly, the version on your computer and secondly, the version on the service provider.

Their ASP.Net website also lists major internet companies using that platform. It includes:

• dell.com
• myspace.com
• match.com
• newegg.com
• monster.com

Match.com is primarily on the Microsoft stack except in their mobile cluster which does Android and iOS. If anybody has any precise enquiries about their stack, you can contact the experienced developer to answer all your associated queries. Orkut was originally built on a Microsoft stack, but later it has migrated to other non-Microsoft, Google standard infrastructure. It is one of the biggest consumer internet products even though it is not heavily used in US.

If the team has experienced asp.net developers, you can even start a web startup company. You will get a better product out faster and most importantly start bringing in paying customers faster. Once you hit a tipping point you can always go back with more resources later if you run into a reason to switch to another technology.
It generally takes a bit longer time to deliver a complex project which is made with ASP.Net MVC, since you need to compile your projects and code some structure for your app at first with good use of patterns and all. But the impression of gained time for choosing something else for your team will quickly dissipate when you see that it takes long time for a team to develop a new stack.

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